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6th Overseas Business Activity Training Workshop Program 2014.12.18

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We held the internal workshop training program on the 17th of Dec.
This was the 6th overseas activity training workshop program.

We have invited Mr. Masao Ichinose from The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI) and learned the advanced approaches of overseas container terminals.

In advanced container terminals overseas, they are introducing unmanned cargo handling equipments and automated cranes.

Automation or unmanned has many advantages and disadvantages such as power-saving, optimizing the container yard(able to increase the container handling volume).

We would like to utilize these knowledge and to continue the investigation research for the development of Hakata Port and efficient terminal operation.

General Affairs Div.

Visitation of Saga External Trade Association 2014.12.08

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Delegate group of Saga External Trade Association visited Hakata Port and had a site tour of the Container Terminal.

This tour was arranged by Saga Trade Information Center of JETRO and 38 delegate member from many firms of Saga prefecture attended this tour.

Although it was extremely cold especially on the site of Island City Container Terminal, due to the strong wind, we received many questions regarding the container terminal and control center as a important factor of trade & logistics supply chain.

We look forward to actively accept many visitors from these kind of firms, who has strong interest in Hakata Port.

Business Div,

JICA Port Site Training Rrogram 2014.11.14

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Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, MLIT and we have had welcomed the JICA trainees from Asia, Africa and South America, etc. under the JICA port site training program.
The theme of the training was Port Management Strategy, and the trainees were comparing the problems and system of the port management with their own by using examples.

We would like to furthermore develop the relationship with the ports overseas as well as the domestic ports.

Hakata Port site tour from SIPG 2014.10.16

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The delegation group from SIPG(Shanghai International Port Group) visited Hakata Port on 16th of OCT.
Ms. Stella Sun, Vice General Manager of HASCO, was the head of the group.

During the site tour of container terminal, we had a meaning full discussion regarding the approached of environment and IT.

Presentation in IAPH Mid-term Conference 2014.04.22

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IAPH Mid-term Conference and Board Meeting was held in Sydney from 6th of April to the 10th of April, 2014.

The environmental action conducted by Port of Hakata was highly commended and received a gold prize of IAPH Port Environmental Award at the IAPH World Ports Conference 2013 in Los Angeles.

This time, we made a presentation of the actions against the gate trailer congestion at the port which is a serious issue at many ports in the world in the Port Planning & Development Committee, cooperating with OCDI (The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan). Currently, we are helping investigating the source of the congestion and making action plans to reduce the congestion Chennai Port in India with OCDI, under the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) project.

In Hakata Port, we have experience of solving the gate congestion by introducing Hakata Port Logistics IT system HiTS and Mr. Ninomiya (G.M. of Port Planning Department) presented the introduction example of Hakata Port in the committee.

The final report of the investigation will be presented in the Conference in Hamburg, Germany in 2015.

餐bout IAPH
The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) was established in 1955. It is a non-profit-making and non-governmental organization (NGO) headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Recognized as the only international organization representing the voice of the world port industry, IAPH is granted Consultative Status as Non-governmental Organization from five United Nations specialized agencies and one intergovernmental body. At present, it is tackling nine issues including cruise ships, port security, port environment and trade facilitation and regularly organizes meetings to discuss solutions.

Welcoming ceremony of Xiang Wang 2013.09.04

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XIANG WANG the container ship belongs to Dong Young Shipping made the maiden call to Island City Container Terminal of Hakata Port from shanghai as a new shipping route for China and Korea.

We Hakata Port Terminal Company and Hakata Port & Harbor Bureau visited the ship with Mitsubishi Logistics, the shipping agent, and the presented a memorial gift to the captain.

Chinese & Korean Route鐚Ningbo-Shanghai-Pusan-Pohang-Ulsan-Kwangyang-Ningbo-Shanghai-Hakata-Moji
Transit time: 14days
Tonnage: 4,960 tons
Length: 112.5m
Capacity: 395TEU

Visitation from Leam Chabang Port 2013.09.03

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The associate group of Leam Chabang Port authority and the local residents visited Hakata Port from Thiailand, today.

The members of the group had strong interest not only in the development of the port itself but the relationship between the local community and the surrounding environment, and we received many questions regarding to the public relations among the port authority, government and the citizens.

As a representative of the group, the managing director of the port authority introduced about Leam Chabang Port.
We offered exchanging the engineering information including the Logistics IT collaboration, and they accepted that they will consider our offer.

As a jump-start, we would like to have a tight relationship with Leam Chabang Port and wish the prosperity of both ports.

Hakata Port Seminar in Tokyo 2013.08.27

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Hakata Port Seminar in Tokyo, 2013 held in The New Otani on Aug 27th became a successful seminar with over 700 participants related to the Marin and Logistics industry.

Mr. Takashima, the mayor of Fukuoka City, made a presentation about expansion of Island City Container Terminal and functional enhancement of Hakozaki Ro-Ro Terminal.

We Hakata Port Terminal Company set up a booth on the site and demonstrated the Hakata Port Logistics IT system HiTS and also explained the new application software of HiTS which is going to start operating this Sep.
Many participants who were interested in HiTS visited our booth.

We would like to strongly appreciate to the all participants to this seminar.

Best Regards

Welcoming ceremony of XIAO YUN 2013.08.08

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XIAO YUN, one of the container ship owned by HASCO, which is the shipping company of SIPG(Shanghai International Port Group Co.,Ltd.) made the maiden call to Hakata Port, as a new shipping route from Shanghai.

We had a welcoming ceremony in berth No. 4 of Kashii Park Port Container Terminal, together with Hakata Port & Harbor Bureau.

In commemoration of her maiden call, Hakata-ori textile table cross from us and Hakata Doll from the bureau, which are both local traditional craft of Fukuoka, were presented to the ship.

All the crew including captain and chief engineer, were pleased by our passionate welcome.

We are owner to have such a ship coming in to Hakata Port.

New Shanghai Route: Shanghai-Hakata-Moji
(Maiden Call at Hakata Port, 8th Aug, 2013)

Training Program Port Tour of JICA 2013.06.21

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17 trainee of under the JICA training program visited Hakata Port today. Under the governments ODA project, the trainee group were consist of port related engineers from many countries such as Asia, South America, Africa, Middle East.

After the explanation about the over view of Port of Hakata by Kyushu Regional Development Bureau of MLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), we tour around the sight. And had many Q & A about the reclamation of Island City, environment challenges of the cargo handling equipments of Hakata port, etc.

Although the tour was held under the rain unfortunately, due to the typhoon approach, we had many compliments from the trainee about the tour.

Hakata port would like to contribute more internationally in such occasions.

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