Presented booth in Thailand International Logistics Fair (TILOG/LOGISTICS) 2016 | 2016.09.28 |
Port Of Hakata(Hakata Port Terminal Co.,ltd, and Port & Airport Bureau of Fukuoka-city) presented a booth in TILOG/LOGISTICS2016 which was held in BITEC(Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center) from 21th to 23rd of September.
The number of visitors to this exhibition was approx 10,000 people.
We deeply appreciate to all the people from Japan, Thai and from other countries who visited to our booth.
We would like to try our best to increase the cargo volume between Thai and Hakata.
The 13th Thailand International Logistics Fair 2016
Date: September 21-23, 2016 (10:00-18:00 hrs.)
Organizer: The Department of International Trade Promotion,
Ministry of Commerce, Royal Thai Government (DITP)
Reed Tradex Company Limited
Venue: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC)
Site Visit of Mr. Takashima | 2016.09.16 |
Mr. Takashima, the mayor of Fukuoka-city had a site visit to Hakata Port Container Terminal on 16th of Sep.
We invited him up to the Quay Crane to show the whole facility and introduced our role and features in Hakata Port.
We would like to contribute to further development of Hakata Port with Fukuoka-city by offering characteristic service to the users.
Planning & Coordination Div
Presented a booth in Logi-Tech Tokyo 2016 | 2016.09.16 |
We presented a booth in Logi-Tech Tokyo 2016, held in Tokyo Big Site from 13th to 16th of Sep, as Port of Hakata with Port & Airport Bureau of Fukuoka-city.
The weather during the exhibition was not clear, however, the it became a big success with over 150,000 visitors arrival, far exceeding the visitors last time.
We deeply appreciate to all the visitors who came to our booth and to the presentation seminar held in the final day of the fair.
We would like to promote the convenience services of Port of Hakata in various exhibits.
Business Div.
Hakata Port Promotion Seminar 2016 in Tokyo | 2016.08.29 |
Hakata Port Promotion Seminar was held in Hotel Okura Tokyo on Aug 29th.
And we presented a booth in the seminar.
With about 600 attendance, who are related to maritime trade and logistics industries, the seminar became a great success.
Seminar started with the presentation of Hakata Port by Mr. Takashima, the mayor of Fukuoka-city.
During the networking after the mayors presentation, many people visited our booth and we demoed Hakata Port Logistics IT System, HiTS to promote the convenience of Port of Hakata.
We would like to appreciate to all the participants to the seminar.
Date & time : 18:00pm of Aug 29th, 2016,
Venue: Hotel Okura Tokyo
Host: Fukuoka-city, Hakata Port Promotion Association
Contents: 1. Presentation of Hakata Port
2. Networking event
Business Div.
Hakata Port Running a Booth at the 13th Thailand International Logistics Fair 2016 | 2016.08.05 |
For the PR activities of Hakata Port, the Port & Airport Bureau of Fukuoka City and Hakata Port Terminal Co., Ltd. will run a booth at the Thailand International Logistics Fair 2016 (TILOG-LOGISTIX 2016) held in Bangkok, Thailand.
Please click here for the details;

Site study of JICA Delegation Members | 2016.07.22 |
16 JICA trainees from Asia and Africa has visited Hakata Port for a study tour on July 21st.
The theme of the training program is Sustainable Port Development and Planning for Port Engineers.
And we introduced our approaches of IT system, environment and natural disasters.
We had many questions from the trainees and had a meaning-full discussion.
We would like to positively receive trainees of port relative parties from abroad and build a continuous relationship.
Commencement address from the new President | 2016.06.27 |
Mr. Susumu Sakashita, elected as the new president in the 38th annual shareholders meeting and the board meeting on June 27th,2016 made a commencement address in front of the company stuff members.
In the address he mentioned that we should continue the approaches that we have achieved so far and it is very important to work unflinchingly on new tasks.
Under the new president and board members, we would like to unite and contribute for further development of Hakata Port.
General Affairs Div.
Changes of Executive Officers | 2016.06.27 |
We would like to inform the following changes for executive officers, which were approved at General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors’ Meeting and Board of Auditors held on June 27th, 2016.
・President Susumu Sakashita(newly-elected)
・Executive Director Junichiro Nakashima (newly-elected)
・Managing Director Atsushi Goto
・Part-time Director Kazuya Norimatsu (newly-elected)
・Part-time Director Jun Iwasaki
・Part-time Director Yuji Sugita(newly-elected)
・Part-time Director Jyujiro Kita
・Part-time Director Satoshi Takada
・Part-time Director Yuzaburo Saito
・Part-time Director Tadahiro Watanabe
・Part-time Director Hideo Makita
・Standing Auditor Tsukasa Komiya
・Auditor Gakuto Naruse(newly-elected)
・Auditor Taro Tominaga (reappointed)
Koichi Daito, former president, has assumed his role as a Senior Advisor.
General Affairs Div.
Hakata Port Logistics IT System HiTS | 2016.05.23 |
Port Logistics IT System of Hakata Port so called HiTS started collaboration service with the Port IT System of Tianjin(China), Xiamen(China), Taipei(Taiwan), Ho Chi Minh(Vietnam) on 23rd of May, 2016.
By this collaboration Hakata Port users will be able to check the real-time container information between these four ports and Hakata through HiTS.
Collaboration service with foreign ports has been proceeded since 2007 aiming to expand global network of Hakata Port.
The collaboration ports with Hakata became 10 ports including these four ports.
We are expecting to improve the logistics network of shippers and logistics providers who is shipping containers between Hakata and our collaboration ports.
Business Division
Welcomed OCDI Trainees from Nacala Port | 2016.05.19 |
We conduced site study training of Hakata Port Container Terminal for 9 OCDI (The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan) trainees from Nacala Port of Mozambique on 18th and 19th of May.
On the 18th, we gave a lecture regarding the overview of Hakata Port and had opinion exchange of port technology and developments.
And we had a site visit at Island City Container Terminal to introduce our facilities.
On the 19th, the member split to two teams and had a lecture separately.
Team One: Training program was about terminal operation.
Team Two: Training program was about maintenance of container handling machines and equipments.
All the members were so curious that they had many questions and opinions to take all the knowledge back to their country to utilize in their port managements.
There was a opinion that they would like to send us more stuff from Nacala Port to have two month training.
Taking this opportunity, we would like to make a good relationship with Nacala Port.
Business Division